“[IQT]...has quickly become the quantum industry’s leading conference.” —ZDNET

Brought to you by:

Inside Quantum Technology
Vancouver · Pacific Rim

June 4-6, 2024

Vancouver, BC

Quantum Computing, Communications and Security Pathways to Real World Solutions

Diamond Sponsor: (Wednesday, June 5th)

Platinum Sponsors: hidden text

IQT Vancouver · Pacific Rim 2024: Quantum Computing, Communications and Security — Pathways to Real World Solutions.

With Vancouver as North America’s gateway to the Pacific Rim, IQT and the Quantum Algorithms Institute are bringing together partners across North America and Asia to showcase the state of quantum computing, communications, and security. This international conference moves beyond the quantum hype to profile quantum computing and communications technologies and quantum expertise in real world settings. Sessions will highlight practical applications of quantum algorithms and networking in industries such as pharmaceuticals, transportation, finance, and more. Attendees will include industry and government executives, end-users and investors who will learn about the latest developments in these technologies, pathways for companies to get ready for quantum solutions, and ethics and policy considerations in this fast-growing industry. (June 3, 2024 — Lab Tours More info & RSVP)


(to date)



PSI Fellow, Perimeter Institute



Managing Director, Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute

Honourable Brenda


Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation, Government of British Columbia

Elder Bob


Co-Founder and Spokesperson, Eagle Song “S’pakwus Slolem” Dancer Troupe



Head of Quantum Computing Research, Q-CTRL



CTO Network Infrastructure, Canada Market, Nokia



Lead, Québec-IBM Discovery Accelerator, IBM



Research Fellow, Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute



Physicist and Fellow, Honeywell Aerospace





Chief Content Officer, Global Quantum Intelligence
Managing Editor, Quantum Computing Report



Vice President of Materials Discovery, OTI Lumionics Inc.



Quantum Physicist, CTO, Quantum Algorithms Institute



Director of Engineering Physics at Polytechnique Montréal, Director of the Transdisciplinary Institute for Quantum Information (INTRIQ)
Co-Founder of Castor Optics Conference Chairperson



Partner and Co-Leader of the Quantum Technologies Group, Bereskin & Parr LLP



Principal, South Arm Training and Development Ltd.



Research Assistant, Technical University Braunschweig



Associate Vice President, Research and Innovation, Kwantlen Polytechnic University



VP, People, Photonic Inc.



Co-founder and CEO, AbaQus Computing



VP, Sales and Partnership, evolutionQ



Chief Operating Officer, Xanadu



Canadian Excellence Research Chair for Global Internet Systems, Simon Fraser University
Scientific Fellow, Photonic



Lead, Quantum Research Sciences



Chief Executive Officer, Quantum Industry Canada



Manager, Quantum Stack Development, Photonic Inc.


Mc Neill

Coordinator, Quantum Communication Initiative, Numana



Cryptographic Strategist, evolutionQ



Financial Engineering Director, Multiverse Computing



Quantum Physicist, Anyon Systems



Managing Director, Reignite Future
Former Technology Fellow of Halliburton

Kevin (June-Koo)


CEO/CTO, Qunova Computing, Inc.
Professor of Electrical Engineering, KAIST



Senior Applied Scientist, Amazon Advanced Solutions Lab, Amazon Web Services



Director, National Quantum Strategy (NQS) Secretariat in Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED)



Executive Director, Institute Quantique, Universite de Sherbrooke, Quebec



Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Innovation Network



Chair, Global Consortium Alliances Working Group, Q-STAR
Expert QKD Business Development Office, Toshiba Digital Solutions Corporation


8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM
Conference Opening

Speaker: Nicolas Godbout - Director of Engineering Physics at Polytechnique Montréal, Director of the Transdisciplinary Institute for Quantum Information (INTRIQ)
Co-Founder of Castor Optics Conference Chairperson

9:05 AM
Territorial Address

Speaker: Elder Bob Baker - Co-Founder and Spokesperson, Eagle Song “S’pakwus Slolem” Dancer Troupe

9:10 AM
Address from the Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation

Speaker: Honourable Brenda Bailey - Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation, Government of British Columbia

9:15 AM
Welcome from Quantum Algorithms Institute

Speaker: Louise Turner - CEO, Quantum Algorithms Institute

9:20 AM
Welcome from IQT

Speaker: Lawrence Gasman - President, IQT Research

9:25 AM
Talk 1: Quantum Error Correction - The Path to Fault-Tolerance Through Built-In Redundancy and Bosonic Codes

Speaker: Philippe St-Jean - CEO and Co-Founder, Nord Quantique

10:00 AM
Panel 1: Quantum Computing Software

Moderator: Doug Finke - Chief Content Officer, Global Quantum Intelligence
Managing Editor, Quantum Computing Report

Speaker 1: Yuval Baum - Head of Quantum Computing Research, Q-CTRL

Speaker 2: Ethan Krimins - Lead, Quantum Research Sciences

Speaker 3: Nicholas Lee-Hone - Manager, Quantum Stack Development, Photonic Inc.

10:45 AM
Talk 2: Quantum Computing at Amazon: Search for Quantum Applications

Speaker: Gili Rosenberg - Senior Applied Scientist, Amazon Advanced Solutions Lab, Amazon Web Services

11:20 AM - 1:20 PM
Lunch Break and Attendee Networking
1:20 PM
Panel 2: Industry Associations

Moderator: Paola Baca - Managing Director, Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute

Speaker 1: Lisa Lambert - Chief Executive Officer, Quantum Industry Canada

Speaker 2: Kevin (June-Koo) Rhee - CEO/CTO, Qunova Computing, Inc.
Professor of Electrical Engineering, KAIST

Speaker 3: Hiroaki Tezuka - Chair, Global Consortium Alliances Working Group, Q-STAR

2:05 PM - 2:50 PM
Coffee and Attendee Networking
2:50 PM
Panel 3: The Quantum Workforce

Moderator: Louise Turner - CEO, Quantum Algorithms Institute

Speaker 1: Jessica Hodgson - VP, People, Photonic Inc.

Speaker 2: Franziska Greinert - Research Assistant, Technical University Braunschweig

Speaker 3: Dennis Green - Principal, South Arm Training and Development Ltd.

Speaker 4: Deepak Gupta - Associate Vice President, Research and Innovation, Kwantlen Polytechnic University

3:35 PM
End of Day 1
3:35 PM - 5:00 PM
Networking Reception
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM
Conference Introduction

Speaker: Nicolas Godbout - Director of Engineering Physics at Polytechnique Montréal, Director of the Transdisciplinary Institute for Quantum Information (INTRIQ)
Co-Founder of Castor Optics Conference Chairperson

9:05 AM
Diamond Day Sponsor Keynote: Theoretical, Possible, Inevitable: The Evolution of Distributed Quantum Computing

Speaker: Paul Terry - Chief Executive Officer, Photonic

Talks on the Evolution of Quantum Computing
9:50 AM
Talk 3: Accelerating Breakthrough Quantum Applications with Neutral Atoms

Speaker: Justin Ging - Chief Product Officer, Atom Computing

10:25 AM
Talk 4: Quantum Repeaters for Long-Distance Quantum Communication

Speaker: Yuya Mochizuki - CFO, LQUOM

11:00 AM
Talk 5: The Long and Winding Road to Utility-Scale

Speaker: Anne-Laurence Phaneuf-L’Heureux - Quantum Physicist, Anyon Systems

11:35 AM - 1:35 PM
Lunch Break and Attendee Networking
Talks on Quantum Computers in the Real World
1:35 PM
Talk 6: Supply Chain Management and Logistics: Quantum for Enterprise Applications

Speaker: Murray Thom - VP of Quantum Technology Evangelism, D-Wave

2:10 PM
Panel 4: Quantum Computing in Banking and Finance

Moderator: Louise Turner - CEO, Quantum Algorithms Institute

Speaker 1: David Isaac - Co-founder and CEO, AbaQus Computing

Speaker 2: Christopher Coleman - Research Fellow, Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute

Speaker 3: Samuel Palmer - Financial Engineering Director, Multiverse Computing

2:55 PM
Talk 7: Quantum Computing for Materials Design in the Display Industry

Speaker: Scott Genin - Vice President of Materials Discovery, OTI Lumionics Inc.

3:30 PM
Talk 8: IP in the Quantum Technologies Realm

Speaker: Louis-Pierre Gravelle - Partner and Co-Leader of the Quantum Technologies Group, Bereskin & Parr LLP

3:50 PM - 4:35 PM
Coffee and Attendee Networking
4:35 PM
Talk 9: Exploring Quantum Kernels and Outliers in Health Sciences

Speaker: Zoran Krunic - Senior Manager of Data Science, Amgen

5:10 PM
Talk 10: Quantum Computing in the Oil and Gas Industry

Speaker: Satyam Priyadarshy - Managing Director, Reignite Future
Former Technology Fellow of Halliburton

5:45 PM
Panel 5: Quantum Technology in Canada

Moderator: Lisa Lambert - Chief Executive Officer, Quantum Industry Canada

Speaker 1: Michael Rosenblatt - Director, National Quantum Strategy (NQS) Secretariat in Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED)

Speaker 2: Christian Sarra-Bournet - Executive Director, Institute Quantique, Universite de Sherbrooke, Quebec

Speaker 3: Julien Chosson - Lead, Québec-IBM Discovery Accelerator, IBM

Speaker 4: Rafal Janik - Chief Operating Officer, Xanadu

6:30 PM
End of Day 2
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM
Conference Introduction

Speaker: Nicolas Godbout - Director of Engineering Physics at Polytechnique Montréal, Director of the Transdisciplinary Institute for Quantum Information (INTRIQ)
Co-Founder of Castor Optics Conference Chairperson

9:05 AM
Keynote: Leveraging the Kirq Network to Test and Prepare for the Quantum Future

Speaker 1: Jacques Mc Neill - Coordinator, Quantum Communication Initiative, Numana

Speaker 2: Hiroaki Tezuka - Expert QKD Business Development Office, Toshiba Digital Solutions Corporation

9:50 AM
Talk 11: AI and Quantum Simulation: a Renaissance in Materials Innovation

Speaker: Arman Zaribafiyan - Head of Strategic Alliances, SandboxAQ

10:25 AM
Panel 6: Evolution of QKD Technology

Moderator: Lawrence Gasman - President, IQT Research

Speaker 1: Thomas Jennewein - Canadian Excellence Research Chair for Global Internet Systems, Simon Fraser University
Scientific Fellow, Photonic

Speaker 2: Ian D’Souza - Physicist and Fellow, Honeywell Aerospace

Speaker 3: Matt Jaksic - VP, Sales and Partnership, evolutionQ

11:10 AM
Talk 12: Quantum in Telephone Networks

Speaker: Ilijc Albanese - Senior Engineer, TELUS

11:45 AM - 1:45 PM
Lunch Break and Attendee Networking
1:45 PM
Panel 7: Funding Roundtable: Quantum Winters and the Competition from AI

Moderator: Lawrence Gasman - President, IQT Research

Speaker 1: Chloé Archambault - Partner, Quantacet

Speaker 2: Margaret Wu - Lead Investor, Georgian Partners

Speaker 3: Sarah Jenna - Executive Director, QV Studio

2:30 PM
Panel 8: Implementing Post Quantum Security and Standards

Moderator: Sarah McCarthy - Cryptographic Strategist, evolutionQ

Speaker 1: Chris Hickman - Chief Security Officer, Keyfactor

Speaker 2: Daniel Shiu - Chief Cryptographer, Arqit

Speaker 3: Michael Redding - CTO, Quantropi

Speaker 4: Nicolas Roussy Newton - Co-Founder and COO, BTQ Technologies

3:15 PM - 3:35 PM
Coffee and Attendee Networking
3:35 PM
Discussion: Responsible Quantum Computing

Moderator: Shohini Ghose - Quantum Physicist, CTO, Quantum Algorithms Institute

Speaker 1: Lans Diaby - Co-Founder, Leap QuantiK

Speaker 2: Bindiya Arora - PSI Fellow, Perimeter Institute

Speaker 3: May Siksik - Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Innovation Network

4:15 PM
Panel 9: Manufacturing Challenges for Quantum Equipment and Components

Moderator: Lawrence Gasman - President, IQT Research

Speaker 1: Doug Finke - Chief Content Officer, Global Quantum Intelligence
Managing Editor, Quantum Computing Report

Speaker 2: Raphael de Thoury - CEO Canada, PASQAL

5:00 PM
Talk 13: Quantum-Safe Networks

Speaker: Marc Bellini - CTO Network Infrastructure, Canada Market, Nokia

5:20 pm
End of Conference


(to date)

Diamond Sponsor

(Wednesday, June 5th)

Platinum Sponsors

(to date)

Gold Sponsors

(to date)

Media Sponsors

(to date)

Participating Organizations

(to date)


For Additional Information

Marilyn Reed


Phone (USA):


(limited to 1)

  • Opening keynote the first morning: dedicated 30-minute in-person presentation.
  • Your logo on the screen throughout the entire conference.
  • 20 in-person registrations to give to colleagues, clients, prospects, and staff.
  • Option of a 10’ x 20’ booth in the Networking Hall. 
  • Space comes with round table and 3 chairs.

Use of a private meeting room for the days of the conference.

  • Your one-minute commercial video will be presented between conference sessions at least 2x during the conference (Sponsor provides the video.)
  • Full page ad (inside front cover) in the printed program guide as well as your logo, contact information, and company description in the sponsor directory. This program booklet will be given out at the conference. (.pdf is provided by Sponsor)
  • Your logo on:
    • Conference website
    • On event banners at the conference site
  • Dedicated PR
  • Dedicated social media promotion
  • One lead generation email outreach to attendees
  • The opportunity to publish a self-written Sponsored Article in the Inside Quantum Technology daily e-newsletter and website ($950 value)


(limited to 2 (one per day))

Be the exclusive Day sponsor for Day 2 or Day 3
Note: for IQT Nordics: Limited to 1: Be the exclusive sponsor for Day 2

  • Opening Keynote for the sponsored day: dedicated 25-minute in-person presentation.
  • 15 in-person registrations to give to colleagues, clients, prospects and staff.
  • Option of a 10’ x 10’ space in the Networking Hall.
  • Space comes with round table and 3 chairs.
  • Use of a private meeting room during the conference.
  • Your one-minute commercial video will be presented between conference sessions at least 2x during the conference (Sponsor provides the video.)
  • Full page ad (inside front cover) in the printed program guide as well as your logo, contact information, and company description in the sponsor directory. This program booklet will be given out at the conference. (.pdf is provided by Exhibitor)
  • Your logo on:
    • Conference website
    • On event banners at the conference site
  • Dedicated PR
  • Dedicated social media promotion
  • The opportunity to publish a self-written Sponsored Article in the Inside Quantum Technology daily e-newsletter and website ($950 value)


(Limit 1 sponsor each morning and each afternoon )

Be the sponsor of all morning sessions or all afternoon sessions on one of the conference days. With the sponsorship comes a 20-minute keynote during the morning or afternoon being sponsored plus many other high-profile marketing and branding benefits listed below. Stay in the forefront of people’s minds with your company logo on the screen for the entire morning or afternoon that is being sponsored.

  • Keynote opportunity on the day of sponsorship …Dedicated 20-minute keynote presentation during the morning or afternoon being sponsored.
  • Your logo on screen during the entire sponsored morning or afternoon conference presentations
  • 10 in-person registrations to give to colleagues, clients, prospects, and staff.
  • Option of a 10’ x 10’ space in the Networking Hall. Space comes with round table and 3 chairs. 
  • Use of a meeting room at least one hour each of the three days of the conference between 8 am and 6 pm.
  • Your one-minute commercial video will be presented between conference sessions (Sponsor provides the video.)
  • Full page ad the printed program guide as well as your logo, contact information, and company description in the sponsor directory. This program booklet will be printed and given out at the in-person conference (.pdf is provided by Exhibitor)
  • Your logo on:
    • Conference website
    • On event banners at the conference site where sponsors are listed
    • Social media and PR promotion wherever sponsors are mentioned
  • The opportunity to publish a self-written Sponsored Article in the Inside Quantum Technology daily e-newsletter and website ($950 value)


  • 5 in-person registrations to give to colleagues, clients, prospects, and staff.
  • Option of a 10’ x 10’ space in the Networking Hall. Space comes with round table and 3 chairs. 
  • Your one-minute commercial video will be presented between conference sessions (Sponsor provides the video.)
  • Half page ad in the printed program as well as your logo, contact information, and company description in the exhibit directory. This program booklet will be given out at the conference (.pdf is provided by Exhibitor)
  • Your logo on:
    • Conference home page
    • On event banners at the conference site
  • Social media and PR promotion wherever sponsors are mentioned.
  • The opportunity to publish a self-written Sponsored Article in the Inside Quantum Technology Daily e-newsletter and website ($950 value)


If your company has released its product or services in the past year, you may be eligible for the Start-Up rate. All of the items listed in the Gold Sponsorship section are included in the Start-Up package. Ask for more information about this opportunity.


  • Be the sponsor of the Welcome Reception.
  • Sponsor signage will be in the entry way and within the reception hall.
  • You will also have a chance to give short welcome to the attendees.
  • Your logo on the conference home page and in the conference program.
  • Listing in the show directory.
  • Special signage near the coffee area.
  • Your logo on the conference home page and in the conference program.
  • Listing in the show directory.
  • Special signage near the breakfast area.
  • Your logo on the conference home page and in the conference program.
  • Listing in the show directory.
  • Special signage near the lunch area.
  • Your logo on the conference home page and in the conference program.
  • Listing in the show directory.
  • Provide the lanyards for the conference. Your logo will easily be seen onsite and in shared pictures of the event.
  • Your logo on the conference home page and in the conference program.
  • Listing in the show directory.
  • The conference bag will be handed out to all attendees at registration.
  • Your logo will be visible throughout the conference. Your logo will be on one side of the bag (conference logo is on the other).
  • Your logo on the conference home page and in the conference program.
  • Listing in the show directory.
  • Have one item placed in the conference bag that will be handed out to all in-person attendees at registration.
  • Your logo on the conference home page and in the conference program.
  • Listing in the show directory.
  • Be the official conference t-shirt sponsor. Your logo will be printed on the back of the t-shirts.
  • Sponsor provides their artwork. IQT will produce the t-shirts with the conference logo on the front.
  • Your logo on the conference home page and in the conference program.
  • Listing in the show directory.

The program is a go-to for conference attendees as it contains detailed information about the presentations and speakers as well as a directory of the sponsors and exhibitors. Your logo and company name will appear on the conference website The program is printed and handed out at the conference. Advertiser provides the ad copy as a .pdf.

  • Full page, 4-color inside page.
  • Your logo on the conference website as a sponsor.
  • Company listing in the conference program’s sponsor directory.

Upgrade to more prominent positions…

  • Inside back cover.
  • Back cover.
  • Have your company’s message front and center on the conference program with a custom printed band wrap.
  • Your logo on the conference website as a sponsor.
  • Company listing in the conference program’s sponsor directory.
  • The charging station at the conference will be branded with your logo.
  • Your logo will be on the conference home page as a sponsor.
  • Company listing in the conference program’s sponsor directory.
  • Have your company’s message in front of attendees when they are in a public gathering area such as registration and hallways.
  • Two sizes available: Poster board on an easel or free-standing meter boards.
  • Sponsor provides the copy. IQT produces the poster or meter board.
  • Your logo will be on the conference home page as a sponsor.
  • Company listing in the conference program’s sponsor directory.

Your 1-minute commercial video will play during the conference program during change of speakers (very limited).

Sponsor provides the video as an MP4 file.

Your logo will be on the conference home page as a sponsor.

Company listing in the conference program’s sponsor directory.

  • Your 1-minute commercial video will be added to the loop of other videos and played continuously during the conference in a public area of the conference.
  • Sponsor provides the video as an MP4 file.
  • Your logo will be on the conference home page as a sponsor.
  • Company listing in the conference program’s sponsor directory.
  • IQT will provide the space for you to run a workshop either early morning or for an hour at lunch. (speak with your sales rep for more details)


Vancouver · Pacific Rim — June 4-6, 2024

IQT Vancouver · Pacific Rim takes place at the Pinnacle Hotel Harborfront. We have listed many hotels in walking vicinity to the event venue. Additional hotels listed below.

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